Shunki Itadera, Ph.D.

Robotics Researcher

This web page is for introducing my research activities.
If you get interested in my work,
please feel free to contact me.
(Especially, I'm looking for internship or RA students interested in the open topics.


2024/05/22 - Brief summary of ICRA2024 (in Japanese) has been released!
2024/04/01 - Accepted to KAKEN Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists!
2024/03/12 - We are hiring a postdoctoral researcher and a few research assistant students!
2023/12/13 - Invited Talk at 日本機械学会若手の会 第7回オンライン若手技術者交流会 (in Japanese)
2023/09/12 - Research presentation at RSJ2023 (domestic conference)
2023/06/29 - Research presentation at Robomech2023 (domestic conference)
2023/06/22 - Survey of Foundation Model x Robotics (in Japanese) has been released!
2023/05/15 - OpenHRC has been released!


Shunki Itadera (板寺駿輝) is currently a researcher at Automation Research Team, Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan.

I received Ph.D degree in Engineering from Nagoya University (Intelligent Robotics and Biomechatronics Lab), Japan in 2020. I was formerly a Designated Assistant Professor at Nagoya University. Prior to joining AIST, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Technical University of Munich (Institute for Cognitive Systems), Germany.

My research interest includes human-machine interfaces in robotic teleoperation and physical human-robot interaction (pHRI), especially for gait assistive robot.

My detailed CV and publication list can be seen here (English / 日本語).


Gait Assistance Robots based on Variable Admittance Control

This work aimed to present novel gait assistance strategies using cane-type and walker-type robots. By adaptively update admittance control model, we aim to optimize pHRI and maximize gait assistance performance to help people with reduced mobility.

Paper(1), Paper(2), Paper(3)

Operation Interface for Teleoperation and Interaction

This study aimed to develop operation interface providing comfortable robot operation. We used onomatopoeia as an alternative modality of teleoperation force feedback and proposed in-Hand Admittance Controller for walker robot operation.


Human-Robot Collaboration in Industrial Application

This work aimed to achieve efficient human robot collaboration in industrial application. We presented productivity-based motion priority optimization towards automated and teleoperated robot collaboration.


OpenHRC (Open-sourse Human-Robot Cooperation/Collaboration)

This OSS is a ROS package for offering easy implementation of HRC software such as interaction and teleoperation. Besides, OpenHRC also includes multi-robot controller with (self-)collision avoidance.



I am seeking research collaborators, including post-doctoral researchers and students who are interested in working on physical Human-Robot Interaction and/or robotic teleoperation at AIST in Japan.

If you took an interest in my work, I'm happy to discuss a chance for research collaboration. Your valuable opinions and advice are welcome. Feel free to send your massage to me.

If you are a master's or doctoral student at a Japanese University, we have the option to work together using the RA (Research Assistant) system at AIST (see here (in Japanese)).
If you are a post-doctoral researcher or student outside of Japan, we can also discuss opportunities to work at AIST. My colleagues and I might be able to offer a position for a research project. Additionally, many scholarships are available to support researchers wishing to work in Japan, for example, the JSPS fellowship.

In any case, I am eager to discuss our research for future collaboration. Please do not hesitate to contact me.


If you are interested in collaboration with me,
please feel free to send a message to

s.itadera [AT]
